Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Actor and Web of Risks

October 15, 2009

Blog 1

The scenario I would choose would be working with the writer that is an egomaniac and hates all my ideas. I chose this scenario because it would be better to just have a few people on the set to be unhappy then having an actor wanting all the attention making everyone miserable. There would eventually be a point where the writer would have to use one of my ideas or I would just do what I wanted without caring what he or she had to say, not for everything but for parts that I think would benefit the film. Also I could get the other people on set to support my ideas if they thought that they would work out better.

Blog 2

I haven’t experienced a similar situation as read from the article. At this moment I cant think of anyone I know that has experienced this type of situation. If I were starting my own Production Company and one of the candidates I was interviewing had a Myspace or a Facebook page I would look at it. I think it would help me get to know the person better and see if they would be suitable for the job. I think it might help me make my decisions on hiring them, it depends on what is on it and how bad or good it is.


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