Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Actor and Web of Risks

October 15, 2009

Blog 1

The scenario I would choose would be working with the writer that is an egomaniac and hates all my ideas. I chose this scenario because it would be better to just have a few people on the set to be unhappy then having an actor wanting all the attention making everyone miserable. There would eventually be a point where the writer would have to use one of my ideas or I would just do what I wanted without caring what he or she had to say, not for everything but for parts that I think would benefit the film. Also I could get the other people on set to support my ideas if they thought that they would work out better.

Blog 2

I haven’t experienced a similar situation as read from the article. At this moment I cant think of anyone I know that has experienced this type of situation. If I were starting my own Production Company and one of the candidates I was interviewing had a Myspace or a Facebook page I would look at it. I think it would help me get to know the person better and see if they would be suitable for the job. I think it might help me make my decisions on hiring them, it depends on what is on it and how bad or good it is.


Action Hero Type and Edge of your seat

October 13, 2009
Blog 1

The Creator: Bruce Wayne

            The Fighter:  Frank Martin in the Transporter 1-3. Any movie that Jason Statham is in he could be considered the fighter because he always busts in the house and knows how to uses his surroundings to his advantage.

            The Destroyer:  Rambo

            The Enforcer: Robocop

Blog 2

The latest film that I can remember that had me on the edge of my seat was Rec. It is a horror movie from Spain. The end was the worst it killed me, but in a good way. It had me felling like there was some hope for the people, that they would have a chance. I wanted so badly for there to be a chance, but I knew there wasn’t. The whole thing you knew was unpreventable. Now every time I watch it I have the same feeling even though I know how it ends and it isn’t going to change and it kills me that I cant do anything about it. 

Burning House and Back-Story and Riddles

October 6, 2009

Blog 1

So my house is burning down and I only have time to grab five of my DVD’s. I would have to start with Season four of Supernatural. This box set is important because it has longest and funniest blooper reel ever. It also has the most special features jam packed with deleted scenes, commentaries, on set photos, story boards, and everything there is to ask for in a box set.  Plus I Dean is to hot for himself I couldn’t leave him behind. The second DVD I would take is Season 1 of Lost because well it was the best season even though it would hurt me to leave the others behind. I would pry burn to death trying to pry myself away from the rest to the series.  It to has funny bloopers and many never before scene scenes.

Third I would take Resident Evil because I can’t leave without my zombies. And Resident Evil is my favorite ever. Fourth would also fall into the zombie category, 28 Days Later. I watch that movie all the time and it never gets old. I just love zombies; it would be hard to leave Dawn of the Dead. The last movie I would grab is Boondocks Saints. This is the best movie ever when I first started it I was like great this movie is going to be dumb but I ended up loving in and now it is in my top five movies to save from my burning house. Even though if this were true I would have to take the whole shelf of movie because no man gets left behind.

Blog 2

In the Dark Knight I think the reasons the Joker gives different reasons to why his face is disfigured is to make it somewhat go with that person I guess you could say. From what I can remember it is different for every person he tells. Maybe he picks up on something that shows a part of their past and he uses that against them. He kind of makes it fit the situation they are currently in. For example when he tells Rachel I think he uses a story about a girlfriend or a wife. She was in a situation that involved her and her man. I don’t really think anyone is going to understand what I’m saying but I know what I’m talking about. For when he told someone that his father did it maybe he saw something in that guy that caused him to us that particular back-story. I don’t think one story is more true than the other, he tells them to provoke fear in his victims. His story could also reflect some parts of his past, he takes it and twists it to manipulate peoples fears. Basically he is insane but he is the smartest and best villain I know.


October 1, 2009

The best Sci-Fi character every created would have to be Darth Vader because he is know everywhere. Sadly I have never seen the full movie of any Star Wars but all I ever hears about is Darth Vader. His posters, masks/costumes and sayings are found where ever you tune.

I think the best Sci-Fi villain ever would be a zombie. In most movies they are villains occasionally there are good ones but there is always Romero’s Night of the Living Dead and Dawn of the Dead. I’m a horror fanatic and my favorite monsters are zombies because of George A. Romero. He’s the man that created a whole new genre of horror without meaning to. His flesh-eating creatures have taken over the world in unique and unexpected way.

The best movie villain ever created is The Joker. Everyone knows who he is. Like he says he is a man without a plan, that’s what makes him the best. I like the way he does things and he doesn’t even plan anything out, he just lets everything fall into place and adjust to where things go his way and he gets what he wants.